On Tuesday evening, the Ahora crew (i.e. me) got reinforcements once more: Nienke, who I met two months ago in Friesland in the Netherlands, came to join me on board for a week. We wouldn’t have thought that we would see each other again so early and were looking forward to a few nice days […]
WeiterlesenOkay, I admit: The title sounds rather sensational. Especially because the last week was marked by sunshine and lack of wind. But in fact the coast here is called “Costa da morte” (Death Coast) and Ahora is currently moored in the harbour behind Cabo Fisterra (Fisterra = End of the World). The name is a […]
WeiterlesenAfter a few days at anchor in the Rías Altas, I sailed Ahora to the port of Viveiro for two nights to cure my salad poisoning and to top up on supplies. In addition, after more than a week of body care with only salt water, it was nice to enjoy a freshwater shower again…. […]